Friday, July 16, 2010

Daddy turns 94!

Tomorrow is a milestone in my life. My dad turns 94.

Happy Birthday, Daddy!

Dad still loves going to the plantation. He loves to tell my brother Tony to plant more taro, (I know, Tony has been telling me between laughter, explaining the lack of space to plant more taro), but my brother Tony is a great son, he plants the taro anyways.

Daddy has seen a lot of things in his lifetime. He's been to many countries. He was in the Navy and quite the handsome sailor (and I'm not just saying that because he's my dad). He's fought in three wars: World War II in the Pacific; The Korean Conflict and a tour in Vietnam. Most importantly he's raised many children and still sees us as his greatest blessing next to marrying Mom. You will never find him alone because he keeps company with scriptures and books.

I cannot in words count the blessing of having Daddy as my father. There are too many things to be grateful for, I could fill pages and pages of the things I've learned from him. And even those words would fail to convey the feelings of my heart.

What does come to mind is the humility that has carved my father's kind and faithful face. His hands carry the living marks of someone who loves hard work. His voice has always been tender and comforting. And the words he has spoken over the years has always carried lasting and sound wisdom.

When I was child I wanted to grow up to be like my father. I'm not quite there—yet—but one day, one day, I hope to be.

I love you, Daddy.

Happy 94th Birthday! That's an amazing thing to write and to say. Not very many children can say, “My dad is 94.” But I can. *blows kisses*

Thursday, July 1, 2010

To laugh or to laugh harder!

To laugh or to laugh harder, that is the question. Whether tis nobler? Who knows? But I choose to laugh and move on. And by the end of this short blog, you'll laugh and move on too. I'll make a believer out of you.

A few months ago, I was asked by the Stake to give a workshop for a Bi-Stake Youth Conference. NO, this isn't your cue to start the pre-giggles, no, I promise, you'll know when. *clearing throat* I was asked to give a workshop on: DATING. Yes, you can all wipe the laughter spit off of your computer screen. Yes, you, the one laughing like the hyena from the pack called: FAMILY and FRIENDS.

Can you believe it? Apparently the Church still doesn't do background checks on guest speakers. Because seriously no one back home would have even thought of me to teach this workshop, and to a host of 14-15 year olds. Because, one, I have never dated in High School, except for Sophomore Banquet and Prom. Do those things count? Second, I never had any desire to date. Honestly, I didn't. And did I mention I had ten brothers. Who would ask me? And do Polynesians date?

So onward I studied the subject of dating and luckily, the April New Era was a great resource. I finally put together something that was interactive, fun and informative. Yes, I was ready to teach something, that for the life of me, I felt unqualified to teach.

The day came and there I was: holding two hula hoops and a set of poi balls. Don't worry they all tied in together (I promise) on my dating presentation. I was then introduced to the other guest speaker. Before the verbal introduction, I glanced over and read his hanging name tag, which stated his title: PhD. Yep, he has a PhD in Psychology and is a certified Marriage Counselor among the many other QUALIFIED attributes that I was deeply lacking. And then there's me, holding poi balls and hula hoops, and barely scraping the acronym of SAHM after my name.

Please know, that I am not writing this because I want you to complement me on my strengths. Just read on and you'll understand.

So the other (more qualified speaker) has quite the long list of accomplishments. And there's me, holding on to the poi balls, and hula hoops and barely scraping the acronyms of SAHM after my name. Right, I said that already. I almost had to remind myself that I had a Bachelors (does that even count these days?).

Anyways, can you see the hilarity in the situation? Remember earlier I said something about background checks? Apparently it exists. I must have slipped through the cracks—large cracks.

The presentation went well. I survived; the poi balls and hula hoops survived; the 14-15 year olds survived; and I was able to answer my husband on my return home, when he asked me, “How did it go?” My answer was simply, “It was a bomb. Not to be confused with 'the bomb.'”

I told you, you would be laughing. And you would agree, that we would just have to laugh really loud to make it all feel better. Especially given the situation. *laughing*

You are laughing WITH me, right?

"Making the decision to have a child - it's momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking outside your body."

Elizabeth Stone

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