Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I'm FAT! Ok, it's called pregnancy...but still...

Isn't she beautiful? I hope it's a she. I just found a lovely photo of a beluga and of course posted it. So yes, I feel like a beluga.
I also feel fat. There's nothing like possessing the knowledge of knowing that your baby is a size of a grape but your stomach looks like it's holding a watermelon. At this moment I feel gloriously hapai (as the Hawaiians would say).
Oh, but unlike the glowing beluga I feel horribly sick and unwell. And please I really don't want to hear how, "I've never had morning sickness. " NOT. RIGHT. NOW. I think I might throw up just hearing someone tell me that. So good for you. As I silently whisper a curse over my shoulder to some unforseen force or even the Universe to strike you with so much morning sickness that you'll never utter those words again. I know--I'm a "hater" as my nieces and nephews would say. Ok, so you can tell me, that you've never had morning sickness--JUST TELL ME SIX MONTHS-- after I give birth. I just might not remember what morning sickness, I mean, ALL DAY sickness felt like. You might be lucky. I just might NOT curse you.
Anyways, in a few weeks (crosses fingers, spits over shoulder), I'm SUPPOSED to feel better. And I NEED to feel better. I need to look like a happy beluga with no care in the world.
Maybe I'll post a picture of my watermelon stomach and my "grape" size baby. But then again, I most likely won't. It'll be depressing really.
Yes, I know my "tone" for this whole pregnancy sounds unpleasant. But what did you expect. I'm pregnant. I'm MOODIER. I'm fat (not to mention I finally went down to 125. And seriously who's in the mood when you're puking at all hours?
Hopefully in a few weeks I'll feel more pleasant but right now I'm obviously not.

Friday, November 14, 2008

It's beginning to look a lot like a "QUARTERLY THING."

This blogging thing has made me really think that I'm not cut out for blogging.

Seriously, I've realized with only a few entries that it requires a special (meaning energetic) person to blog. And frankly I'm not that special.

Or it just plain means I don't "prioritize." Yeah, that must be it.

Don't worry my short banters will shortly come to fruition and one day--ONE FUTURE DAY, I will get this blogging thing down. I'm just not going to make it a promise.
I'll just blame it on "Hawai'i laid back" attitude. Yep, that's it--another excuse.

Saturday, June 7, 2008


IT's been awhile.
It's been almost five months, three weeks since my Mother passed.
There are not enough words to explain the loss of a parent; significantly a mother.
I miss her still.
I love her still.
I think of her still.
I remember her still.
AND I KNOW... SHE is STILL with us.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

New Year...Break out the illness

As I write this all five of my children are sick. I mean, they're ill and on the mend.

Me, I'm not ill but I need to mend.

There's nothing so concerning and challenging as having sick children. They look miserable and you want them (if you can imagine) back to their old selves where you find yourself screaming at them to "stop" doing whatever they've been doing for the umpteenth time. But now they're listless, burning up because they've caught some kind of virus as you try to get them to sit up and drink fluids.

As a Mom, I'm an average, ok Mom. But as a Mom to sick children I actually push my quality up to being a great Mom. I think it comes from years and years of having migraines as a child. A hard earned way of requiring compassion -- but it's true.

We've already ran out of ibuprofen, kleenex and blankets. I've re-washed and re-washed spoons for offering medicine.

The good news: they're stirring, (the once listless children) and me? Well, I look like I should lay down and have someone offer me some kindof prescription.

Actually if I could write myself a prescription it would look like this:

Sleep with earplugs. Allow only an earthquake to wake you up.
Visit a spa immediately after awakening from beauty nap.
And chocolate: lots and lots of chocolate, while watching some hawt guy in some romance comical movie.

Yep, that would really help me on the mend.

As for the children...having a healthy mom should be priceless.

What's your post prescription you give yourself, after caring for a sick child/husband. Although, a husband can be worse than a child.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Warm thoughts on a snowy cold day.


Today is the first day of 2008. I thought, I'd turn the page and begin a blog that has been in the "process" of creation since September of 2007. Yes, I know...procrastination is still something I still possess today. Despite, the fact that it's been my goal for...I don't know twenty years or more, most likely more (who's counting) to work on.

MEMO to ME: Work on NOT procrastinating -- again this year.

How has your New Year been? Or should I say New Year's Eve?

In our family we celebrated New Year's Eve by playing games, pizza, soda (yes, it's actually a treat with two Type 1 Diabetics). We watched movies...well, the children did...while Aaron began his new addiction with the new XBOX 360. Of course we didn't make it to bed til 4 a.m. Nope, that's not a typo. But if you're'll know this to be normal.

Before embarking on our 'festivities' we sat down as a family and talked and wrote goals down for 2008 to work on. It's funny how everyone else (children and husband including) know what goals you should be working on. My children seemed to spew out wisdom as to the things I need to work on. Go figure. But guess what? I had plenty of suggestions for the kind of goals they should be working on as well. Constructive criticism cuts both ways. I mean...motherly/wifely suggestion.

I don't know what it is about the New Year that always makes me feel repentive. Yes, I mean...exactly that. I not only feel like I can be better every year but something about New Year's Eve...makes me really believe that I can; the trick is to believe that every new day, that I wake up.

Anyways...have you thought of goals? Have you dared to dream? Do you still believe? Anyways...this is it, this is the year...anything and everything is always possible.

Here's a few quotes to inspire us all.

Nothing happens unless first we dream.
--Carl Sandburg

Our ideals resemble the stars, which illuminate the night. No one will ever be able to touch them. But the men who, like the sailors on the ocean, take them for guides, will undoubtedly reach their goal. -- Carl Schurz

*brief pause* There is no pattern with the Carl's.

I long to accomplish a great and noble tasks, but it is my chief duty to accomplish humble tasks as though they were great and noble. The world is moved along, not only by the mighty shoves of its heroes, but also by the aggregate of the tiny pushes of each honest worker. --Helen Keller

The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it.

Good thoughts are no better than good dreams, unless they be executed. --Ralph Waldo Emerson

Whatever your goals may be...may you accomplish them through, tooth, nail and blood if need be.
--vagivagi sears

Good Luck and Happy New Year

"Making the decision to have a child - it's momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking outside your body."

Elizabeth Stone

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