I also feel fat. There's nothing like possessing the knowledge of knowing that your baby is a size of a grape but your stomach looks like it's holding a watermelon. At this moment I feel gloriously hapai (as the Hawaiians would say).
Oh, but unlike the glowing beluga I feel horribly sick and unwell. And please I really don't want to hear how, "I've never had morning sickness. " NOT. RIGHT. NOW. I think I might throw up just hearing someone tell me that. So good for you. As I silently whisper a curse over my shoulder to some unforseen force or even the Universe to strike you with so much morning sickness that you'll never utter those words again. I know--I'm a "hater" as my nieces and nephews would say. Ok, so you can tell me, that you've never had morning sickness--JUST TELL ME SIX MONTHS-- after I give birth. I just might not remember what morning sickness, I mean, ALL DAY sickness felt like. You might be lucky. I just might NOT curse you.
Anyways, in a few weeks (crosses fingers, spits over shoulder), I'm SUPPOSED to feel better. And I NEED to feel better. I need to look like a happy beluga with no care in the world.
Maybe I'll post a picture of my watermelon stomach and my "grape" size baby. But then again, I most likely won't. It'll be depressing really.
Yes, I know my "tone" for this whole pregnancy sounds unpleasant. But what did you expect. I'm pregnant. I'm MOODIER. I'm fat (not to mention I finally went down to 125. And seriously who's in the mood when you're puking at all hours?
Hopefully in a few weeks I'll feel more pleasant but right now I'm obviously not.
Congrats Vagi!!! I'm so glad I decided to find out what was wrong with your blog. We're expecting our third on December 10. I'm so glad I'm past the sick stage but I was also done being pregnant three weeks ago. I hope you have a girl too.
I didn't even know you had a blog til I saw the facebook link. Now, off to catch up.
I enjoyed your most recent post. I love to see the pictures of your family. I am quite inspired , I'll admit.
I have been making a comeback after several years. From major accidents, to regain my health, my religion, my interests and my goals. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Thank you for sharing with us, the world.
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