Friday, June 18, 2010

Reluctant Sports Fan

The Lakers vs. Celtics game last night IS one of the many reasons why I don't follow sports as closely as I have in the past. The stress levels hit the moon, with a round trip around Mars. If stress (and it is stress), was indeed crack, then it would have been a drug addicts ultimate high. As for me it just made me sick--literally.

Here is my list of post-NBA Championship ailments due to WATCHING the Lakers play the way they did, up until the last five minutes of the game:

Throat hernia. Seems impossible? Well, I'm living proof that it can happen.
Stomach ulcer. That's an obvious symptom.
Larger nostrils. It seems flaring can do that to an already wide nose. Memo to me: keep nose flares to occasional episodes. Really unflattering to my already aging face.
Deaf Spouse. Well, Aaron's already deaf, last night wasn't the cause for his deafness. However, he shushed me for yelling at the t.v. Imagine being shushed by a deaf person? So the question is: Is he really deaf? Or just when he wants to be? But that's for another blog.

Following a team has it's ups, and definite let downs. I just don't know if I'm ready to head back into that stressful arena. Maybe I should live a little and risk bodily injury to be fan. I most likely will, because I naturally love sports. But I'll keep it to an occasional viewing. Could you imagine my poor nose?

Monday, June 7, 2010

Self-Proclaimed Queen of Failing at Motherhood!

Today is the day that we're supposed to be celebrating Naia's first birthday. The problem is... that Naia's birthday was actually yesterday.

As in yesterday, while driving home from ANOTHER baseball game; I noticed a sign that said: Today is Monday, June 7th. Noooo, I thought, they definitely got the date screwed up. Because tomorrow is June 7th- BECAUSE tomorrow is Naia's birthday. It took a calendar (which I ripped out of my purse) to convince my mommy-screwed-up-brain to realize that TODAY (as in yesterday), WAS indeed Naia's birthday.

GUILTY MOM syndrome or is it SCREWED UP MOM syndrome? Whatever the case, its all the same to me: I SUCK at Mommyhood.

Seriously, how does a Mom forget?! I am desperately trying to find a reason for my memory lapse. If you have one—a certified and valid reason—please let me know. It's probably a condition I need to research. Also, let me know if there's a cure. Hopefully it's a pink pill that needs to be swallowed with chocolate milk. Something to quickly fix and erase the memory of my screw up. Maybe a nice slap to the head would work.

Have you ever screwed up before? Did it make you feel awful? Did you find your cure? Did a nice quick slap to the head, work? Did it make you the Queen of screw ups?

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Flashlight Worthy?!

I love books. I love blue books, red books, green books... any book. And that's my tribute to my love of my favorite Dr. Seuss book. I love getting them for gifts (hint hint) and getting recommendations from friends and family.

I'm writing this segment as my unsolicited recommendation to whoever reads this.

Here's a few flashlight worthy books--because seriously who's reading under candlelight these days? But if you are, forgive me my trespass and keep reading.

First flashlight worthy book:

I absolutely loved this book. It was a recommendation out of a magazine article I read and I'm so glad that I opened it's pages. I laughed; I cried; I paused and thought about certain passages; I researched the History of Ethiopia; and I'm still looking for an Ethiopian restaurant to experience here, and yes, I do get pretty hungry reading a great book, don't you? The author is a wonderful storyteller. My flashlight died out, but then again, I didn't really use a flashlight to read this story. I was inconsiderate and left the light on ALL night. Good thing, my husband is very considerate by not complaining.

Numbah 2:

I was absolutely bug eyed by this memoir. My friend Kristy had recommended this amazing memoir to me. The beginning of the book opens up where the author is heading to a very ritzy party in a cab in the city of New York. Traffic--as only New York can have--slows the cab down and she see's a homeless person scouring out of a garbage bin. It's not just ANY homeless person, she recognizes that it's her very own mother. What happens next is surprising (atleast to me), she scoots as low as she can in the cab and hopes her mother hasn't seen her. And this is the 'beginning' of her memoir. Read it, it's worth every battery in your flashlight. Or wattage power of your lamp.

Numbah Three:

This is another recommendation from the same magazine article which recommended "Cutting for Stone." When I read the back of the book, I hesitated at first and then realized that I was ready to read this book. You see it was a tribute to her mother and the process she went through in losing her. The subject was still very sensitive for me as it resonated my grief of losing my own mother. I have to simply say, that her warm and witty personal storytelling was healing to my grieving process. I smiled, giggled and hugged the book when I was done. And then I cried. It was that good.

Maybe I shouldn't measure a book by a flashlight, maybe a good 'ole crying or laughter will suffice. Whatever the case, breakout your flashlights, or night lamp and a really great mosquito punk. Don't forget the tissue and and some good food.

Happy reading! What do you recommend?

"Making the decision to have a child - it's momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking outside your body."

Elizabeth Stone

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